Wesal Alhaqaish

Position: Director General Technical Assistant , Jordan Food & Drug Administration, JFDA
Categories: Speakers 2021

Wesal holds a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Jordan, MSc.in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Applied Science Private University, has completed a professional Diploma in Supply Chain Management. Assigned as Director General Technical Assistant / Jordan Food & Drug Administration in Jan 2021 , and as Drug directorate director from July 2017 until Jan 2021, assigned as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of several committees at JFDA ,She worked as head of drug registration department in the period 2012-2017, through her participation as a member in the Technical Committees, she contributed to the development and establishment of regulations and instructions for drug registration and review process, she was a member in faculty of pharmacy council in several universities in Jordan , she participates regularly in regional and international workshops and conferences (as speaker and trainer).