Ms. Supriya Shetty

Position: GRS Led, GEM Cluster & Africa - Bristol Myers Squibb
Categories: speakers 2025

An Indian, who continues to be captivated by the vibrance of UAE for the past 20+ years.
Education: Bachelor in Ayurvedic (alternative) medicine from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore, India/ MBA in Quality management system from Geneva Business School, Switzerland/ Advance certificate in regulatory affairs from San Diego State university, USA.
20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including sales and regulatory roles.
Job Profile summary:
Develop and implement regulatory strategies, ensure compliance and continuous access of innovative medicine to patients, within the GEM & Africa cluster, a region with diverse, complex, and rapidly evolving regulatory environment.
Developing external partnerships and building positive relationships with internal cross-functional teams to strategize, execute and drive business growth.
Personal: Becoming the best buddy of my two teenage boys
Professional: Core team member “Regional Distribution Network”, Licensing BMS distribution hub in Dubai,
BMS scientific office licensing.
Core team member “Project Fusion” – process & system integration following company acquisition.
Representing BMS as country network participant in the TransCelerate initiative (TransCelerate initiatives are a long-term industry collaborative effort to design, develop and deliver solutions for more efficient R&D).
My Life’s Mantra: “EKAM SATH, VIPRA BAHUDA VADANTI” – Truth is one, its interpretations are many.