Dr. Manal Khader

Position: Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist - Jordan Food and Drug Administration
Categories: speakers 2025

Dr. Manal Khader holds a master’s degree in clinical pharmacy from Jordan, a Diploma in Pharmaceutical Operations from the UK, and a Diploma in Regulatory Affairs for Drugs and Medical Devices (Jordan, USA, Europe). With over 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical field, Dr. Khader began her career as a clinical pharmacist in the private sector before joining the Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) in 2013.

At JFDA, she worked for several years as a pharmacist in the Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances, and Chemical Precursors Department. In 2020, she transitioned to a new career path as a Regulatory Affairs Specialist in the Chemical Registration Department. In this role, she is responsible for receiving, reviewing, and assessing e-CTD drug files for drugs, evaluating post-approval changes of registered drugs, and handling renewals of registered drugs.

Dr. Khader has chaired and been a member of many technical committees at JFDA, including the committee for assessing and re-evaluating chemical drug files submitted for registration, the post-approval changes committee for registered drugs, and the clinical trials committee